3 Ways to Maximize your Email Strategy + Design

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about social strategies and how to implement one for your business. Today, we are talking about how to tie your social strategies to the emails your business sends to consumers. According to Email is Not Dead, the way people prefer to communicate is changing from email to social media and texts. However, 72% of consumers still say that email is their favored way to communicate with companies, especially with retailers. Did you know Constant Contact estimates that by the end of 2019, over 264 billion emails will be sent daily?! How will your business stand out? Read our top three tips for sending effective emails.

1). Format. Eighty-eight percent of people read emails on their phone in today's age. Having an email that is designed and formatted for phones, tablets and computer screens is a must. From the layout to the proper pixelation, making sure to design emails and test ahead of time is very important for the message to be displayed how you would like on all devices. Your graphics need to be the proper size so customers don't wait too long for the content to load. In addition, you want the design and message to flow according to what you are telling customers. The core message of your email needs to be prominent with a call-to-action being displayed in a way that is easy for customers to notice.

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2). Design. From the subject line to the design, the moment your email hits an inbox, recipients need to be impressed. We are strong believers in curating content that is visually appealing because you have an average of 15 seconds to capture a reader's attention. This can be done through visual content that is designed in an appealing manner. Email Monday states that interactive emails will be the top email style in 2017. What is an interactive email? An interactive email is one where the reader can engage in the email, whether it is by watching a video or GIF, or being able to click on a picture and be taken to a website. This is where our graphic designer plays a big role because first impressions matter! We want to capture attention ASAP + have readers spend more time in the email sent and clicking links instead of deleting the email. Now, with a strong design in place...do you have a strong strategy behind your emails?

3). Strategy. Just how we addressed the components to social strategies, your emails should be cohesive with the current strategies you are running. What is your goal with the email you are sending? Are you trying to inform consumers of something? Are you trying to sell a product? Do you want to connect? Does it align with what you are talking about on social media, currently? When are you sending out your emails? Are the times appropriate and effective for your industry? When we curate and send emails for clients, we research and find effective answers to the questions above. Sending lackadaisical emails without a strategy behind them will end up annoying recipients and causing them to unsubscribe. According to The Boutique Hub, "the human brain needs to see a message up to 7 times before registering and taking action!" This is what is so great about social strategies. Instead of bombarding consumers with seven emails in one day or week, using cohesive images and messages across all social platforms will capture a customer's attention much quicker than a message shown once. We recommend running one or two campaigns a month to keep consumers engaged. In addition, the constant communication makes consumers wonder, "what are they doing next?" Did you know that 61% of consumers enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly, and 38% would like emails to come even more frequently? Take advantage of communicating with your customers via email. 

Now, it's your turn. Try sending an email with the tips above and compare the results to your previous email campaigns. Do you have no idea where to start? Then we'd love help you create an effective email strategy, let's chat. Get in touch via: contact@thesampsonhouse.com


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