What the Heck is Digital Marketing and Why You Need it.


Did you know that the average individual checks their phone about 50 times a day? This number multiplied by the number of smartphone users (185 million), equals more than 8 BILLION views a day, states an article in Time from research conducted by Deolitte. What does this mean for you as a business owner? It means that now, more than ever, consumers are always looking to their phones for something new and enticing. Take advantage of the time spent on digital mediums to convert users to loyal customers with digital marketing.

But what exactly is digital marketing? Aren't all forms of marketing the same? Well, no. Even in this time of constant online usage, people are still unaware of what digital marketing is. If you look up the definition of digital marketing, it is often associated with the term ‘umbrella’, meaning it encompasses all forms of marketing that are online and relating to other digital mediums. Digital platforms include websites, apps, online brochures, and emails, just to name a few. These mediums are used to attract and engage customers, and eventually convert these online relationships to numbers that benefit your business. Now, what is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is...

1)     Building relationships with clients. The world we live in is very relationship-driven, so by putting forth the effort of building relationships with customers may be the little thing that sets you apart from the competitors. The first thing clients like to see is that your business is present. This includes having a social media presence that helps customers connect with you to build those relationships. Consumers like to post pictures, update statuses, and ‘check in’ at their favorite spots in town. Being able to 'like' a post, or respond to a review (positive, or negative) is showing the customer that "Hey, we are here. We heard you. Let's grow together." 

2)     The mobile consumer. The article Digital Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide states a powerful observation: ”When driving, look at your passenger for a second; what are they doing? Looking at their phone, right?” Think about what your day-to-day activities involve. When are you on your phone? Waiting in lines, sitting in a car, when you wake up. As a business, take advantage of the time users are spending online and show up. Phones and social media are a part of our daily lives more than we would like to admit, so when a business is persistent with their social media tactics, your clients will sub-consciously, and consciously, remember you. Did you post an irresistible food gram? More than likely you convinced someone to come in for lunch today, tomorrow, or later next week. We'd also say that 8 out of 10 customers that walk through the door are taking a picture of something they just purchased and are sharing it with friends. Boom. Free advertising. 

3)     Increasing brand recognition. It is easy to believe that you portray your business a certain way, but what really matters are the way consumers perceive your brand. What better way to show others than through digital media? Visually show consumers what your brand is, who you are, and what you stand for. Having a brand is vital because it helps others recognize who you are. Including a logo, tag line, and colors that flow will help customers remember you, and spread the word about you. Just think of this: if a customer can't remember something prominent about you, how will they refer others to you? 

4)     Being able to bring an experience to life. Since a lot of the world spends their time online, how will you bring an online experience to life? Customers are looking for acknowledgment and quality of interactions. Go above and beyond in the digital world and show others that, even though you are online, you are creating real life experiences. Use digital mediums to improve customer service. Did you read an article that reminded you of a customer? Send it to them. Show your loyal customers that you are thinking of them. Start by creating a scholarship, or creating a fundraiser for a community individual in need. Stream a Facebook live of an exciting moment in your day. Maybe send a random follower a coupon or voucher 'just because'. Bring the customer from online to your place of business. 

In conclusion, customers are used to the digital, fast-paced world where everything is at their fingertips. Utilizing digital media is where a business can take the opportunity to interact with customers they may not get the chance to connect with frequently. All while sustaining customer relationships and bridging the gap of potential clients to actual consumers. 

Let us help you start, or maintain your digital marketing. Get in touch: contact@thesampsonhouse.com. 


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